An Interlude (flash fiction)



Aalen’s story: previous episode

An Interlude


Aalen had made camp for the night. Not feeling like sleeping she had found a piece of wood and used a sharp stone for a chisel. She began chiseling it into shape, though she had no idea what she was making. She heard movement in the bushes near her and then there was a loud panting by her ear.

“I wondered when you were going to show up.” Aalen said as she looked at Vilja. “They’re all dead Vilja. Killed in cold blood. We need to make things right.” She hugged her wolf and wept. Vilja licked her face.


Joanne Fisher


This was written with the word prompt chisel provided by Carrot Ranch’s March 14 Flash Fiction Challenge.


Please consider donating to: Christchurch Shooting Victims’ Fund

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