Let’s Rock (flash fiction)


Let’s Rock


I’ve always secretly wanted to be a rock star. Strutting my stuff on a stage in front of screaming fans as I do an incandescent guitar solo that drives them all crazy.

In reality I’m rather shy and awkward, and virtually a recluse. I can play a guitar, but not in front of others. Instead I sing along to all my favourite tracks in my bedroom pretending there is an adoring crowd in front of me. That’s probably the closest I’ll ever get.

I’ve always wanted to be a rock star, but I guess quite a few people do…


Joanne Fisher


This was written with the prompt rock star provided by the Carrot Ranch August 1 Flash Fiction Challenge.


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12 thoughts on “Let’s Rock (flash fiction)

  1. Fiction? Or a wish slipped out? This sounds like my daughter, great voice, but too shy to perform. She was singing in a friend’s car and the friend had to ask her to open the windows, ‘You’ll blow the roof off with that voice.’

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’ve found due to my current back problems I really love opiates. One recent weekend I was high on painkillers and just sat in my bed and wrote heaps. In fact I wrote the entire weeks worth of posts in that time. It does seem to help with creativity, not that I would abuse drugs for that as my mind is already pretty weird without them 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve always wanted fame too. Not rock star fame, but published writer fame. I’m 31 now and I’m still clinging to hope. Having said that, there’s a part of me that wonders about the cost of fame.

    Liked by 1 person

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