The Water Walkers (flash fiction)


The Water Walkers



The abandoned house was so cheap they were practically giving it away. A local told me I shouldn’t have moved into it as the house was too close to the bay and the Water Walkers would come. Water Walkers, apparently, lived under the waves and occasionally took people away. As local legends go, this was a crazy one! I ignored their superstitions.

One night I awoke to find dark figures standing above me. Their wet slimy hands grabbed hold and carried me off to the water. I was screaming when they dragged me down into the depths with them.



Joanne Fisher



This was written with the prompt Water Walkers provided by the Carrot Ranch November 7 Flash Fiction Challenge.


Illustration “The Deep Ones” by Paul Mudie. Used with permission.

Check out his website here: Paul Mudie – Illustrator



Please donate! 🙂



©2019 Joanne Fisher

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