The Art of Middle-earth by Angus McBride (article)

Gandalf stopping the Witch-King from entering Minas Tirith.

Angus Mcbride was a British historical and fantasy illustrator who died in 2007. I chiefly knew his work from his illustrations of Tolkien’s world of Middle-earth that were used for Iron Crown Enterprise’s Middle Earth Roleplaying Game (or MERP for short) books and modules.

I thought I would share some of my favourite illustrations of his. Some of these illustrations are for certain supplements Iron Crown produced and are not based on scenes from the books by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Cover art for the Rivendell module. Ringwraiths pass by Rivendell without noticing it.

Smaug devastates the town of Dale, which happened when he first came to Erebor.

Cover for the Dark Mage of Rhudaur Adventure Module.

The Fellowship. Cover art for the MERP Rulebook.

I always quite liked his orcs. This was the cover art for the Denizens of the Dark Wood Adventure Module.

Treebeard with Merry and Pippin at Wellinghall.

Cover art for the Far Harad Campaign Module. Set in southern Middle-earth.

Aragorn and the hobbits being attacked by Ringwraiths on Weathertop. Used as the cover art for the MERP Rulebook Second Edition.

Cover art for the Mouths of the Entwash Adventure Module. A mewlip attacks a man in a boat.

The Fellowship being attacked in Moria.

Cover art for Warlords of the Desert Adventure Module. Set in southern Middle-earth. A sand drake attacks a lone soldier, note there are probably other sand drakes nearby….

Gandalf confronts the Balrog of Moria.

Cover art for the Gates of Mordor Adventure Module.

I really hope you enjoyed seeing these šŸ™‚

6 thoughts on “The Art of Middle-earth by Angus McBride (article)

  1. This was fantastic, Joanne. Thanks so much for sharing. I love how bold the colours are and how dramatic the illustrations. My favourite is Gandalf and the Witch-King at Minas Tirith, but Smaug is also wonderful! šŸ’–

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