Summer + Winter, part two (fiction)

Summer + Winter

Part Two

“I think we’re getting near.” Bannick shouted as they trudged through the deep snow. His voice was carried away by the strong winds. It was still snowing heavily which made visibility virtually impossible. They all walked along with their hoods up and their heads bowed as the cold wind was driving snow directly into their faces.

They came to a rock wall. Bannick walked along it searching for something, his gloved fingers brushing the rock. He found a large metal door and banged on it several times. The door opened to reveal an armed guard. “Yes?” He asked. They could all feel warm air issuing out of the doorway.

“There’s five of us seeking entry into your freehold.” Bannick said.

“You are free to enter as long as you don’t bring trouble with you.” The Doorwarden said.

“We only bring ourselves.” Bannick replied. The Doorwarden bowed his head and let them pass. The five of them walked in. They all instantly felt the warmth. In front of them were winding stone steps leading down. “Settlements that cluster around thermal vents are virtually the only way people can survive this far north.”

They came down into a large cavern that was populated with buildings of all sizes and a throng of people wandering around the streets. There were many voices talking, shouting, and even singing. They could all hear music playing somewhere. The steps kept going down to further levels, but they joined the throng on this level. The others followed Bannick into a tavern.

“Five ales please innkeeper, and keep them coming.” Bannick said as he laid a gold piece down on the counter. The innkeeper picked it up and looked at it unhappily.

“You haven’t got anything else to trade have you?” The innkeeper asked.

“Sorry gold is all we have.” Bannick told him. The innkeeper gloomily filled up five wooden mugs. The group each took a mug and sat down at a table, but not before removing all their furs and coats. They were all finally feeling warm, for the first time in a long while.

“This ale has a strange taste.” Valen said. She put down the mug.

“It’s probably best you don’t know what they make it from.” Bannick replied.

“You’ve been here before, haven’t you?” Valen asked.

“It was a few years ago now. I also came to see the Lord of the freehold that time.” Bannick told her.

“What’s he like then?” Morgon asked.

“I found him very helpful, as I hope he will be this time.” Bannick said.

“Are there many of these freeholds?” Valen asked.

“A few, but I don’t know where they all are.” Bannick admitted. They sat there drinking and then had a meal. There was a rather dense type of bread, some cheese, and even some roast chicken.

After they had finished eating, they got ready to leave and looked for some lodgings. Not far away was a lodging house. It had several spare rooms. They all rested a short while before Bannick roused them so they could all meet the freehold’s leader.

The group walked to the end of the cavern and found stone steps that led to an ornate building that could have been carved out of the rock. They were ushered in by a servant and taken to a room which had a table. They sat on the wooden chairs and waited. The servant poured them all some wine into silver goblets.

“Odd taste, not that I’ve ever had this before.” Valen commented after trying it.

“It’s made from fungi.” Bannick revealed. Valen spat it out.

“You could have warned me before I drank it.” Valen suggested.

A tall woman wearing a long black dress entered the room and sat at the head of the table. “I hope you’re all enjoying the wine.” She said looking directly at Valen. “I believe you wished to see me.”

“Eh, we came to talk to the Lord of the freehold.” Bannick said.

“Well I’m the leader now. I guess you can call me the Lady of the freehold.” She informed them.

“What happened to the Lord?” Bannick asked.

“He died. I’m his daughter and have taken his place.” She said. “Where are you from?”

“Oh I see.” Bannick replied. “We’re from the south.”

“What’s it like there?”

“It’s cold and getting colder, but it’s not nearly as bad as here.” Bannick told her.

“This blizzard we have currently has been raging for over a week now. The closer you get to the Queen’s tower the worse the weather becomes. And it’s still getting worse. So why are you here?” She said.

“Well we are headed the Winter Queen’s tower and need supplies. We are almost out.” The Lady looked surprised.

“What are you heading to the Queen’s tower for?” She asked.

“We plan to kill her and bring back the sun.” Morgon said.

“I see. You aren’t the first group of people to come here and inform everyone they were going to kill the Winter Queen. Others have come and gone and we never saw any of them ever again, and still it keeps on snowing.” The Lady said.

“Well our plan is to kill the Queen and revive the Summer Queen.” Tyren said.

“And how will you do that?”

“Valen, show her.” Bannick commanded. Valen opened her pack and brought out a rectangular box. She passed it to their host, who took the box and looked up at them mystified.

“What is this?” She asked.

“Open it and see.” Valen suggested. The Lady opened the box and stared at it in revulsion. It looked like a human heart that was still beating. The colour drained from her face.

“I don’t understand.” She said looking rather shocked.

“It’s the Summer Queen’s heart. All we need to do is find the Summer Queen’s body and we should be able to restore her to life.” Bannick explained. “And hopefully she will destroy the Winter Queen.”

“How did you get this?”

“I’d rather not say.” Bannick said.

“And you think her body is still in the tower?”

“The stories suggest it is. Apparently she lies there lifeless in the deepest dungeon.” Laman said.

“Even if that is so, how would you even get to the tower? The Winter Queen’s ice demons guard the way to it.”

“We have our plans.” Bannick replied.

“Well, the best of luck to you all.” The Lady said unconvincingly. “I’ll help you all I can.”

“Before we go there, we need to see the Oracle first. Do you know how to find it?” Valen asked.

“If you go up the mountain path and keep on going you’ll eventually find it, but can I suggest you wait until the blizzard dies down before you attempt that?”

“Of course!” Morgon replied. “We’ll wait until the weather gets better. We’re not crazy!”

Joanne Fisher

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