Solitude (flash fiction)



Gertrude turned up the stereo while listening to Symphony No.2 by Sibelius. It was her most loved piece of music. She looked through the window and gazed down at the world below. The tower block she lived in was built by the Kren after they invaded the Earth and now she was so far up she could barely see the surface. It made her imagine she was down below wearing her favourite dress and among all the other people attending a concert in the new town hall.

The music enriched her drab life and enabled her to carry on.

Joanne Fisher


This was written for the January 10 flash fiction challenge by Charli Mills of Carrot Ranch to write a 99 word story using the idea of enrichment.


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5 thoughts on “Solitude (flash fiction)

  1. A captivating idea that an alien invasion would rebuild the world (as opposed to destroying it). And that sense of isolation so far up in the building is a great contrast to modern thinking that the penthouse suites are the lap of luxury.

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